Sunday, March 7, 2010

hannah told me to

this is my blog entry. because hannah says im better at describing "epicness" than she is. so here it goes.

Winthrop burned to the ground.
not really. but kind of. ish.
owens was on fire. which is connected to bancroft that is connected to kinard. so all classes were cancelled.

ill start when we got to campus. hannah, rebecca (SHOUTOUT!), and i were driving along (*pitter patter...driving noises*) and rolled up on wu campus. the sky around wu was like a thick blanket of black smog and death. we could feel it in the air.
so naturally we drove around to see what was going on.

possibilities that ran through my head:
-it was
-a train blew up at wu
-a bunch of cats have died.

sadly, none of these possibilities were correct. shay texted hannah and i and we found out that OWENS HALL WAS ON FIRE!
so we called up our dear dear sweet friend lacey and asked her if we could go to her room, for she lives in margaret nance. lacey said we could, so we pulled up the the nance (yeah, legit. the nance.)

please note, hannah, rebecca, and i were on our way home from phillip's dads funeral. therefore, we were dressed in funeral clothing. painful high heels that are impossible to walk swiftly in and all.

anyways, hannah, rebecca, lacey, and i are chillen in the nance watching the fire with like 7 thousand other random girls. minus the thousand part. so like 7.

*note to about my own thank you speech via academy awards*

moving on. we watched that, laughed, cried, giggled, breathed, and took pictures. it was awesome. then h, r, and i migrated downstairs, got back in my car, and did a driveby. because we are creepers. and we're darn good at it. so then we pull around to the other side of owens and decide to get out and chill with some people standing by. we trek over (note i am in 50 inch heels at this point that are one size too small. yeah. yeah.) where we stand and watch the firefighters at work.

this is where it gets epic. This big guy in a firefighter outfit randomly showed up on the roof with an axe and a face of determination. then, another big guy in a firefighter that i think about could be their outfits that made them not sure...oh well...shows up and pulls a CHAINSAW OUT HIS BUTT. maybe not his butt. but he randomly had it around his booty-al area. then they start choppin up the roof and chainsawing the snot out of it. it was pretty epic. i thought they were going to fall. and the fire just got bigger. so that was no help. obviously, trying to intimidate the fire with large pain-inflicting objects was not the best idea they've had.

people started falling out of windows, screaming about their lives and puppies. cats were meowing and scratching in the window sills. it was really a sad sight to see. one fireman fell down the stairs. bruised his face. it happens. at least it got classes cancelled for tomorrow.

at that time i had to leave so i did not get to continue watching. i did find out later, however, that h, r, and i were on a video on wu's website. it was a video of us watching the fire. you think youve been creeped upon? yeah. yeah. look at our situation.

so that was the epic wu fire. i have pictures. theyll be on fb later.

now onto the real business.
the following is my acceptance speech for my oscar/academy award. this is exactly how my speech would go, no joke:

oh my gosh i had no idea i was going to win, im totally unprepared! *pulls out a roll of toilet paper....filled with WORDS*
achem hem hem. ill start with Jesus. thank you for dying up on the cross for me, man. youre awesome.
id like to thank my parents, jeff and rhonda, for having sex that one time (no thanks are given for any times other than that) to which led to my amazing birth.
props out to my grandparents for birthing my parents.
now onto more serious things.
thank you, kindergarden teacher, for not making me take naps and letting me be the free, wild bird that we all know i am.
thank you, to my second grade teacher--i remember that time when i was mad because you pulled my card from a green to a blue because i was scratching a girl. thank you for that discipline, i know i was pissed at the time, but im thankful im not a mad scratching psycho now. all because of you.
third grade teacher--thank you for passing me.
fourth grade teacher--you were black. thank you for making my life diverse (finally!)
and so on an so fourth.
i would like to thank my best friend for living with me and not getting annoyed by all the quirky, awesome things that make me as amazing as i am. thank oyu also for always telling me im pretty.
id like to thank my bed, for helping me be well rested every night.
id like to thank the moon for coming up in the evening. and thank you to the sun for giving me a nice tan. you and i, we're biffl's, sun.
thank you sweet boyfriend for loving me, even though my awesomeness can be overwhleming. i understand. because im awesome.
thank you scooby doo, rugrats, barney, and morgan freeman. you shaped me to be who i am.
thank all of you for listening to this speech and for loving me. i promise i wont sell this award online for less than 50,000 dollars. russell, OUT (like ryan seacrest bahahahaha. epic.)

that was inspired by the academy awards. which hannah is making me watch. i feel as though this blog post is long enough now. till next time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

it's been a while

well hello there blog spot. tis been a fortnight since we have last blog. i know you cried a little. because face it... we are quite awesome.

i'm real sad right now... facebook is not loading for me.

alot as happen since we last typed... mostly we cannot remember. because we always studying makin the grade of an A.

lets see... jessica and bryant broke up... (for all of about 2 mintues.) they didn't really break up... but a few people were convinced.

she works all the time... makin the money for the little family of LW 209

my life on the other hand... has be quite eventful.

lets see. to start off, i got a tattoo. yeah pretty baller right? here... i'll show you what it looks like.

yeah. i know... baller.

so this weekend was the first pretty weekend of the year. with temperatures in the low sixties. so, i got to wear my favorite outfit, (athletic shorts and a hoodie) now, make fun all you want, but don't dis it until you try it. Jessica loves to make fun of me, especially when dressed in this attire.

so, to celebrate the wonderful weather, jessica and i headed to WU LAKE, with traci and maribea! (SHOUT OUTS TO TRACI AND MARIBEA! WE LOVE YOU)

being the photogentic people we are, of course we took pictures. i know what you are thinking. "goodness, i hope she uploads some here, they are just so darn cute." well, your wish will be granted :)

ps. this might be my new favorite picture of jessica ever.

jessica and i will be traveling down to columbia tomorrow to attend the j.buffet concert with our lovely boyfriends. i'm sure that will be another epic blog post. but for now, imma go to sleep.

<3 <3

Saturday, February 6, 2010

...creepy...This is Nina again. On Molly the Macbook.
I just ate cookie cake. and updates jessicas status, and freaked bryant out. the end.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So. I'm fixing to take you on a little journey back in time, to the story of how jessica and i became BEST FRANNDDDDSSS.

we knew from the beginning we were destined to be best frands. i mean, look at us. we are both real real cute.

Let us travel back in time to August 2008.

*This magic moment So different and so new Was like any other Until I met you* (some time traveling music)

*First month of college*
I am standing outside my CTQR (now math 150) class talking to my friend Anne Spencer. I turn the the girl behind me (because she was standing awkwardly close to me) and said: *side note. awkward girl was... you guess it. jessica*
"Hey, Don't we have like three classes together" since you know, we are all college freshman and don't really know anyone, i was trying to be nice to her and give her a friend.

in which she responded with "yeah" in a monotoned get-away-from-me-crazy-i-don't-want-to-talk-to-you voice.

so i thought, well. oh well. i tried to be her friend she obviously didn't like me...

(btws we had three classes together, CTQR, ACAD, and EDUC 110)

fast forward a week or so. As classes start to pick up with assignments and homework and what not. we end up having two group projects assigned. and guess who was in my group for both projects? that is right Jessica.

we started talking in class about our project, and since she was a commuter i asked her where she goes between classes. she looked real sad and said "oh well i normally just sit outside and read a book" i was like pshhh. girl. you need a life, come back to my dorm with me. I know, now that probably seems like a real creepy thing to say. but i was just gonna go with it. She declined my offer to come back to my room.... can't really blame her, it was kinda creepy. so, we worked on our group projects, and started a friendship. (eventually she did come up to my room, once she figured out i wasn't a killer or anything like that)

Fast Forward to mid October.

since jessica lives at home, she was still forced to do family things. on one fine fine sunday in october jessica asked me to accompany her and the rest of the russell family to DISNEY ON ICE. since i am such a huge disney lover, i jumped at the chance. That day, we decieded is the day we became best frands. i think jess thought if anyone can spend a whole day with me and my family and not run away scared, then, she is crazy, and she needs to be my best friend.

That day was epic, we almost died, because we were busy taking best franndss pictures and almost got hit by a green mini van.

*fast forward to present day*

Jessica and I are happily together still. Many think that we are one person, not two. which actually is true.

we plan on living together till married.(if we don't kill each other with love before then)

Since we are so super cute, and took best frand pictures the day we became best frands, here are a few... enjoy.

I think that is enough cuteness for one blog :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


so, this weekend was not too epic for us.
we were supposed to go on a ski trip wit csf, but that was cancelled due to my parents and hannah's father being muy mal.
but it's all good.

friday hannah and i both went home, hannah to gveg and me to "tega" (HA!)
my mommy cooked for me all weekend which was very delicious. i did not move from the couch, and i had a sufficient amount of wonderful sleep-aid-like drugs to help me "rest up."

today, hannah and i both ventured out into the cold, wintry, scary ice-like roads and made the long trip home to lee wicker. hannahs venture back to the wu was a tad bit farther than mine. hour and forty minutes longer than my trip. but, oh, was my trip a trip.
"tega" was very slick and icy, and it didn't seem that anyone had plowed the road. if anyone has met my dear sweet car bullet (pii-chwaaaaa), you would know that she is not made for any other weather than a bright sunny day. so, bullet and i skidded around in tega cay all the way until i turned onto 160. then, it was all good. the roads were wet, but it was a pretty safe drive all the way back to wu. i even played a game where i tried to get the snow off of the top of my car to fall down and hit the car behind me. pretty epic, yes. and you know what? it worked. twice.

phillip is here right now. SHOUT OUT TO PHILLIP. he is watching our new evolution of dance video currently. he just scolded me for "live blogging." hannah and i had to explain that we are new to this whole blog thing, and therefore we will "live blog" until the day we die.
yes. the day we die. because hannah and i are probably going to die together at the same time. it'll happen. just let it.

so anyways hannah and i got home and decided that we wanted to get on the ball with evolution of dancing times two. so we did the evolution of dance 2. and it is epic. everyone should watch it on facebook. we worked pretty hard on it....kind of. not really. oh well. it's stil pretty baller.

i am currently sitting here "live blogging" and thinking about tomorrow. the roads were pretty wet, so i am quite hopeful that winthrop classes will be canceled tomorrow. this will probably not happen. because life doesn't seem to like me all too often. oh well. it happens.

i totally downloaded the song hungry eyes. it was epic. i have been listening to it all night long.

phillip is telling stories about the csf trip. i am kind of sad that we missed out on it.

if anyone knows a groin massuse, please contact me. i have a friend who is named phillip who is in dire need of one. he told me not to mention his name. so just forget that i mentioned his name. which is phillip. phillip reynolds. btws.

tomorrow is not going to be a good day if we have to go to class. im just not feeling it tomorrow. class. blah. eh. meh. class.

well there isnt too much for me to blog about really today. except that we are totally watching the grammys at 8 tonight. because we have no lives. anyways, till next time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

joint blog

you are all intrigued by the title of this blog. joint blog. when we say joint, we do not mean like mary-ju-wana. we mean like hannah and jessica sitting on the same FUTON AWESOMENESS WHAT WHAT together writing this blog together. in a joint -hence- partnership of a blog that is of our lives.
jessica is typing. bt dubs. also known as "btw" which means "by the way."

so we'll start out with this morning.
my shower at 6:50 was actually relatively warm this morning. EPIC. note, showers around here in LW 209 WHAT WHAAAAT have been pretty cold lately, which lead to my upper resp. infetion (aka a cold - hannah) which nearly killed me along with my tumbling to the ground from my top bunk last week.
hannah woke up around 8:30 while i was in class to take a shower. sadly, she was unable to obtain said shower because suitemate #2 locked her out. this is okay however. she took a shower later.

from 8 to 9:15 i had art history, again not epic. but i did decide my art history teacher is the best ever. he has two weenie dogs LIKE MEEEE. and he is sarcastic and funny. I think he has a facebook also. stalking will happen later on in the evening.
from 9:30 to 10:45 i had acting, which is always an entertaining time. after that hannah and i met up in dink with bee to eat lunch. we ate asian food from jump! and got our jump cards stamped. ONE STAMP CLOSER TO A FREE ASIAN MEAL. yeah. thats right. epic.
i then went to class from 12:30 to 1:45 where i took a quiz and listened to my teacher talk about lynching.
hannah was in class from 2-3:15 while i napped in my humble abode. it was lovely. my bed is so soft. soft enough for the snuggle bear from commercials to be jealous. he's always looked itchy to me anyways.

between 3:15 and 5:30, hannah and i had random epic battles of throwing a caprisun box at each other. we also watched law and order svu which pretty much broke our hearts because there were abused children up in it.
phillip then came and picked up hannah, katie worthy, and i for church.

SHOUT OUT TO PHILLIP WE LOVE YOUUUU!! phillip is our awesome friend who comes and picks us up for church and hangs out with us and thinks we're cool and he's awesome. and he's a good cook too. our friendship is epic.

we then went to csf where we had 18 people tonight!! EPIC. we had sooo many people. we told the people of csf about our lives. david, the pastor (SHOUT OUT DAVID @CUCITYHOPE) decided that hannah and i should just become a couple because we refer to everything in our lives as though hannah and i are one person. it was epic. we also played the two truths and a lie game. it didn't really work too well for any of us though. it was a lot of fun, however. there is always a lot of smiles and laughter at csf. cause its so cool and hannah and i go and make it EPICALLY COOLER.

oh side note. i would like to tell a story about today. this morning, as i was walking to class, something epic happened. i had just gotten out of art history and was walking across campus to pass the time before my next class. okay. so you can picture. little me. with my straight brown hair and big brown eyes. i had on my ugg boots (which are so cute), some jeans, and a cute sweater and scarf. i was looking mighty adorable today. in everyone's eyes. i would like to point out. except hannahs. i was too hot for her to look at. anyways, so i was walking "fa la la la la", please picture me walking, and texting hannah about the song hungry eyes. as i was walking and typing, i heard a bird in the near distance. i didn't look up. winthrop is pretty pro-earth, so there are big trees to keep the campus shaded, with a plethora of birds and squirrels running amuck. as i continued walking and typing, i was suddenly pushed with such a force that i fell back and twirled around five times from the blow. i looked up in a fury and saw a boy. the boy looked at me, wide eyed, black jacket unzipped, pants sagging because they were too big. anyways, he looked at me, eyes huge with fear, and said "sorry. bird....looking...tree." i nodded and he began to shuffle past. i told him that i understood and that it was no problem, even though im sure i'll have a black eye in the morning from his epic push. as i walked past the tree, i also heard a bird. i stood in front of the tree for one minute and fifteen seconds looking for the bird. i couldn't find it. i feel that this made my bird-watching battler and i bond a little bit together. the bird sounded kind of like a tucan. i am glad i didnt have my glasses on, they probably would've been broken in all of the hustle.

back to life. after csf hannah, judith, rebecca and i went to target and had a jolly old time. we piddled around in there for a bit and i was able to buy zoolander. which hannah, bee and i just watched. and now its over. and bee is gone. and hannah and i are watching family guy. which is epic.

these are the events of this day in lw 209. i love lw 209. just sayin.
till next time.

ps- withhhh theseeeee....hungry eyes.
one look at you and i can't disguise
i've got hungry eyes.
i feel the magic between you and i.


Monday, January 25, 2010

blog overdose.

sooo. i know this is a lot of blogging for one day.... but i felt left out (and by i mean Hannah)

Yes. This is Hannah, actually blogging.

As Jessica said earlier, nothing to epic happened today. just a lot of boring and mundane things, such as an epic trip to cold stone/wall-greens and watching glee with Nina.

Jessica is currently laying in my bed, while i lounge on futon couch wonderfulness. oh wait, she just pulled out the chocolate chip m and m cookies. time for a cookie break.
That was one of the most delicious cookies i have ate today.

Jess is such a good roomie that she is shaking the crumbs (ps. meg just sang i wont say i'm in love... probably one of my favorites song ever) so jess is shaking all the crumbs of her cookie on the rug instead of my bed. she is so sweet. however she is quoting the movie right now "destroy zues, freeze himmmmmmmmmm" and so on.

so back to my non epic day. i went to math class (side note. jessica just realized that she can stick a magnet on the metal bed frames... yeah she real smart) so i went to math class. thank goodness i did my homework last night... we had a pop quiz. (side note again. MEG ADMITTED TO BEING IN LOVE WITH HERCULES)

we (and by we, i mean jessica said i and agreed) decided that Meg and Hercules babies would look real awkward.

Hercules just said "YES WE CAN".. we found where OBAMA got his catch phrase... he stole it from Herc. i mean i don't blame him, Herc is pretty baller!

I feel like three blogs in one day is a bit much... maybe. who knows.


welp, i guess i am done for the day, seeing as Hercules just saved Meg and is now getting to return to the heavens where they belong. (Herc is now glowing) If Herc and Meg have babies now, will they be awkward and glowing?

until next time :)